Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Little Trees

Bob Ross of the show the Joy of Painting had a few familiar sayings.  Mistakes weren't mistakes to him, but happy accidents.

Life is full of mistakes.  I know I can't make them all myself, but I'll try.  Why?  Because if I'm trying to do everything right, then I'll miss out.  I'll miss going for the exploratory walk down the by the creek while waiting for the swim team because I remembered and found my swimsuit, towel, etc.

I'm double booked this week.  My bus route doesn't end till 4:30ish 20 minutes away from where I'm supposed to be picking up a team at 4:30.  So, now I'm spending my time looking for someone to fill in for the team, but I'm not upset about the double booking.  It's giving me an opportunity to call people and chat with people that I don't normally have an excuse to call.

When we make mistakes on purpose, they become less about mistakes and more about learning and exploring.  Taking a wrong turn on purpose is definitely about exploring.  Deviating from a recipe is what allows us to take what we know and tweak it into something amazing or disastrous.  Is it really a mistake or an accident if we do it on purpose?  That depends on how you view mistakes and accidents.

I've move around quite a bit due to marriage to someone that needed to move.  It's irritating to get lost when I need to be somewhere at a specific time, but I've found some of the best places by getting lost, whether by accident or on purpose.  Sometimes, life is Better by Mistake.

Better By Mistake: The Unexpected Benefits of Being Wrong
“Fascinating, vivid, and spectacularly useful. Alina Tugend is a whip-smart guide to the secret landscape where our (so-called) errors are transformed into powerful opportunities. Make no mistake: this is a great book.” – Daniel Coyle, author of The Talent Code

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea...

Yay!  I get to swim!  The swim team driver needed a break and I'm on the job!  She's toying with stopping completely so it might become a semi-permanent gig.  I pick them up at the high school/middle school and drive them an hour away to a school that has an indoor pool.  Wait 2 hours while they practice (and swim if the pool isn't crowded) and then drive them back.  Makes for a long day but I'm okay with that.  There are also some really nice trails around a nearby creek that make for a nice area to explore.

I can barely believe it got down to 7 degree Fahrenheit this Wednesday morning. It was crazy cold.  First, I decided my gloves weren't thick enough.  Then, I decided my jeans weren't thick enough, quickly followed by my coat.  I eventually decided my skin wasn't thick enough and that I would much rather be a bear with a huge thick shaggy coat.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Taking on too much!

Not today, or even in general, but I had this crazy idea that I was going to knit something for my fiance for Christmas.  You may have noticed, it's not Christmas anymore and I'm still working on this blanket.  I picked the wrong yarn.  I picked an ambitious project.  I'm not stopping though.  He's going to get this blanket.  Maybe he'll get it in time for his birthday.  Maybe in time for next Christmas.

I've found that taking on too much is the best way to get things done.  Planning a big garden might net me a little one, but it's better than none.  I like to putter at getting things done; trying to do everything at once makes me susceptible to feeling overwhelmed.  It's a matter of breaking down the job.

Each thing can be broken down to smaller and smaller steps till I find something I can manage.  Immediately after my first surgery, the idea of pushing myself to walk seemed insurmountable.  So I worked on getting up.    I broke that down to untangling the wires and tubes and sitting up.  Each motion can be broken down further and further, including the decision to move a certain way in the first place.

If you don't dream big, I won't get anywhere.  I'll keep dreaming big for now.

Your only limit is your imagination.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Stew Weather

I love the winter!

I grew up south of Miami, Florida, where I'm pretty sure it only snowed once in recorded history.  I still haven't tired of cold weather and I love snowy weather.

The best thing about cold weather are soups and stews. Oh sure, you can make them other times, but there is something about snow collecting on the grounds outside that whispers insistently, "Mmmm.  Stew would really make everything perfect."

Today is my son's birthday, so we're having pizza and ice cream, but I'm making stew as soon as the kitchen is clear.

I used to have a big recipe book of soups and stews that I bought in England.  Aside from the random challenges of converting the Queen's English to American English, and the measurement conversions, it was an excellent book that unfortunately was lost to water damage and mold some time ago.  I'm thinking about getting another one, probably one of these two from Cooking Light.

Any other recommendations? Don't worry if they are decadent.  I'm obviously adept at conversions after my last soup cookbook.